DINUMEC, S.L. is a company dedicated to the manufacture of machining parts. Its main objective is to meet the needs and expectations of the interested parties, being responsible with the environment in each of its activities.

With the aim of perfecting these objectives, DINUMEC, S.L. has implemented a Quality Management System based on the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001 and EN 9100 standards, pursuing continuous improvement in the quality of its services.

The Management of DINUMEC, S.L., in order to achieve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, bases its commitment to the quality of its service on the principles of this Quality Policy, which are

- To ensure the satisfaction of the interested parties based on an always correct treatment and an effort to fulfill their expectations.

- To comply with the applicable legal requirements, as well as with those requirements that the organisation subscribes to, such as customer requirements, regulations, etc., continuously evaluating said compliance.

- To continuously improve the quality of its services.

- To achieve a high level of competitiveness in our markets based on the trust and loyalty of our customers

- To comply with the delivery times required by the customers for the delivery of the parts

- Take care of the significant environmental aspects that our activity may generate

This Quality Policy is reviewed for its continuous adaptation at least once a year in the System Review by the Management, at the same time as the Quality Objectives and Goals, constituting a reference framework for the establishment and review of the same.

DINUMEC, S.L. communicates the Quality Policy to all the organisation's personnel and to those who work on its behalf, so that it is understood at all levels, as it considers this to be a means of leading the organisation towards the continuous improvement of its performance. Similarly, it is available to the public upon request by any interested party.

Date: 31.03.2019